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Thursday, February 26, 2009
whoowhoo i 'm so HAPPY my mom just called me =P
she told me that she just bought for me a T-shirt haha...
And i just cuted my hair =P New hair style
infact i still prefer short hair =P
9:19 AM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
well yesterday wake up late about 1pm actually meeting my friends go cut hair at Tampines Mall but end up did't go they say too expensive already therefore no choice got to stay at home and face to the wall hahax... dam sian nowadays i got to settle my dinner by my ownself because my mom now a korea T_T so have to eat dinner with my dad and my brother =P Infact i'm luckly enough i got 1 brother accompany with me thanks god anyway haha... whooWhoo 3 more days my mom going back to Singapore haha hope she can buy me alot of item haha=P
9:02 AM
Monday, February 23, 2009
IT have been long time i did't update my blog already because this recently busy about planing a trips with friends checking here and there about the information so trouble some, actually decide back out not to go bintan with them and decided go to korea, but the return tickets is too
expensive already so no choice have to go bintan with them lor...well i think it's fun to travel alone much more better haha but nevermind next time i will travel alone to HOng Kong or Korea=P erm maybe i will call some of my shatec friends accompany with me much more better haa..
2:48 AM
Monday, February 16, 2009
MONEY !!!!!

OMG my dream won't able to come true T_T i tot i can go korea with my mom but the tour group was Fully Book already fuck i was so pissed off and 1 whole day checking airline tickets see whether i can book the tickets on 22/Feb but even though there is ticket to go i will be alone and won't able to accompany with my mom so i decide not to go already.
Well i hope tomorrow there is someone else do the cancellation =P but the fact who will so stupid do the cancellation haix dam sian.
5:18 AM
Monday, February 9, 2009
Walao!!!! i miss it shit man I SHOULD GO with my family T_T today my mom and dad going to my uncle house to play blackjack and she won $100 and dad won $170 haha so luckly=P well i just open my Red packet just nice i collected $200=P well this year i'm collecting more and more less money don't why i think is because of economy haha therefore some houses which I haven't been to, so hopefully next year i can go collect more haha=P
9:43 AM